Specialized Services
- Feasibility Reports/Cost Estimation Reports
- Physical 3D MODEL for presentations
- Procurement/Inspection & Expediting
- Asset Evaluation services
- Pre-BID & Bidding services.
- Qualification Documentation [IQ/OQ/PQ]
- Project cost over-run analysis(for every 3 months)
- Project-change management analysis report (actual vs new scope)
- Financial cash flow statements
- Ratification change management analysis
- Evaluation of payback analysis
- Escalation analysis (with respect to cost and time)
- New design concept analysis
- Spares management report
- Asset management analysis
- Inventory cost analysis
- Total cost of ownership
- On cost in time analysis
- Resource management
- Change control management
- Project evaluation report
- Project feasibility study
- Project quality and compliance report
- Project health index